Enabling sustainable global infrastructure.
Made in Switzerland. AS9100D Aerospace & Defence Certified.
Oderbrücke awarded the German Bridge Construction Price 2025
‘CL SOLID’ Bridge Cables
The Oderbrücke, featuring Carbo-Link’s CL SOLID Bridge Cables, has been honored with the Deutscher Brückenbaupreis 2025.
"A revolutionary technology for a historic connection" - the Oderbrücke sets new standards in durability and efficiency, showcasing the future of bridge construction.
Read more about the award here.
CL BRIDGE. Drive sustainability of an entire superstructure by integrating optimised cable design.
High fatigue strength | Non-corrosive | Long lasting.
CL SOLID - CL ELLIPSE - CL TORQUE - CL HYBRID. Whether cruising or competing, Carbo-Link’s yacht rigging offers reliability, simplicity & performance.
Maximum stiffness | Minimum service | Highly resistant to lightning strikes.
CL RESTRAP. Pre-tensioned strengthening systems with no corrosion, fatigue or service.
Simple installation | Minimal cover thickness | Infinite lifespan.
CL SOLID: CRANE. Robust and durable pendants with low weight and high efficiency.
No replacement schedule | Lightweight | Highly resistant to lightning strikes.
CL TRUSS - CL TORQUE. Bespoke solutions with minimal wall thickness at maximum stiffness.
Super lightweight | Optimum stiffness | Highly customised fibre placement.
CL-CT. Link any two points in space with lightweight, low-fatigue interfaces.
Super lightweight | Designed to carry any load | No replacement schedule.
Contribute to the increased structural efficiency & sustainability of global infrastructure by using long-lasting, reliable & cost-effective CFRP solutions. Applicable in both new construction projects & existing structural rehabilitation.
All Carbo-Link products are engineered to meet three specific foundational principles.
> Superior lifespan.
> Tested, proven & certified.
> Unparraleled repeatability.
> Resistant to lightning strikes.
> Absolute toughness.
> Simple visual inspections.
> Easy to NDT.
> No replacement parts.
> Lowest weight.
> Ultimate stiffness.
> Highest fatigue strength.
> Smallest cross-section.