Carbo-Link’s CFRP pendants are solid carbon rods. They are manufactured using toughened pre-pregnated carbon tapes continuously wound around rotary end thimbles and consolidated into a round rod (pendant). Cable specifications are defined by load requirements, with stiffness variables an additional consideration. Cable lengths vary depending on boom section lengths and total crane height demands.
Carbo-Link has been supplying CFRP crane pendants to Liebherr since 2003, with over 10’000 cables in active service.

Added value.
Simple service, no replacement
Industrialised production, cost competitive
Increase asset capacity & availability
Super lightweight cables
Assemble by hand simply & safely
Self-erect additional boom sections
Visual inspections indicate cable health
Inspections can be done by crane operator
No on-site specialists required
No fatigue = long service life
No corrosion in any environment
Structural properties will outlast crane itself
Cables have a low self-weight
Increase in overall load capacity
Increase in maximum boom/jib radius
Liebherr HS895 HD & LR 1300 since 2003
Over 10’000 cables in active service
No failures

Further CFRP solutions.