Carbo-Link’s shear reinforcement solution - CL RESTRAP - is a flexible CFRP tension member made up of continuous unidirectional, toughened carbon tapes forming a CFRP strap. Think of it like a CFRP ratchet strap. CL RESTRAP is an unbonded vertical prestressing tendon used to reinforce the shear capacity of concrete girders and beams.
The individual tape layers are not bonded to each allowing the CL RESTRAP to be wound around tight radii. Shear deformations resulting from any deflection are compensated for by displacements of the individual tapes relative to each other.
Deliver shear reinforcement directly to the concrete, not after deformation.
Added value.
No replacement or service requirements
Industrialised production, cost competitive
Simple, non-intrusive, manual installation
Material properties will not degrade over time
Desired tension maintained at all times
Absolute reliance of structural integrity
Low self weight = simple manual handling
No machinery required = fast & effective pretension system
Absolute minimal technical training required
Wound around various structure shapes & sizes
No need for absolute cleanliness or meticulous surface prep
No curing time or temperature considerations
Increase load bearing capacity of concrete
Re-purpose existing buildings simply & effectively
Bring structures inline with modern codes & regulations
Tape thickness & tensioning system is very thin / narrow
Non-intrusive integration in ceiling & floor heights
Fire protection simply applied with mortar/concrete cover

Further products & solutions.